Dick's Sporting Goods has a perception issue. It is seen as an outlet for the casual player, not the serious or the specialist.
Turn this weakeness into a strength. Redefine the objective of sports from winning or going pro to just having fun.
Dick's Sporting Goods makes sports about connecting over fun and games.
We changed Dick’s Sporting Goods to Dick’s Sports, to emphasize the newfound focus on sports. The rebrand extends to the logo and the color palette, which are slight deviations from their current branding.
All employees will receive "the playbook," which consists of how they should represent the brand on and off the field.
We've equipped Dick's Sports with a communication tool, The Huddle, which will connect community members over their love of sports. The web app will be the central point of all stores. With a centralized database, The Huddle is also accessible remotely.
Contact me at kelly@kellyprudente.com.