Show how Spotify will use its differentiating stance as a discovery brand to lead culture.
Lean into what Spotify already does well — humanize big data to create a new dimension of music discovery.
Leverage Spotify’s user data to organically populate location-based playlists, based on listening frequency and patterns of users in that proximity.
We were tasked with keeping Spotify culturally relevant over the next five years. What does it mean to be a discovery brand? We got to thinking about hotbeds of culture—cities, boroughs, landmarks. If the food tastes different and the air smells different, these places must sound different, too, right?
In fact, raw data says yes. Even more compelling? Spotify is already collecting this data.
With this in mind, we decided to lean into something Spotify already does really well, that is, humanizing big data. Through research, we confirmed people appreciate how Spotify turns their listening habits into personalization.
Spotify is one dimensional, existing for most users in the digital realm. How can we create a new dimension to musical discovery?
concept video (1 min.)
A birds-eye view map displays undiscovered passport locations for proactive discovery.
Receive notifications when you enter a passport location for a passive discovery experience.
Uncover an area’s unique playlist, updated weekly.
Add locations to your passport to be able to relive them forever.
Spotify has a strong visual identity and Passport follows this identity system. We studied the Spotify app meticulously to make sure Passport integrated as seamlessly as possible. We also designed a new icon for the Passport feature. We were able to gain insight from the redesign of their icon suite in 2016.
The Passport icon next to Spotify's existing suite of icons.
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